Group: Key Figures 2005
23 March 2006
• Gross
sales up 8.3% to a record CHF 4 497 million (net sales: +7.8%).
• Brilliant performance in Group’s core business, Watches and Jewelry
• Growth surge of over 50% in jewelry sector.
• Record operating profit of CHF 735 million and high operating margin
of 17.1%.
• Net income up 21.3% to CHF 621 million.
• Strong operating and free cash flow.
• Proposed dividend distribution increased by 42.9%, bearer shares CHF
2.50 (previous year CHF 1.75) and registered shares CHF 0.50 (previous
year CHF 0.35).
• Previous share buyback program totaling CHF 250 million concluded. Annual
General Meeting 2006 proposal for a corresponding capital reduction •
through share cancellation.
• New share buyback program for a total value of CHF 300 million.
• Promising start to 2006, outlook for the current year optimistic.
Edgar Geiser, CFO, and Thomas Dürr, Corporate Treasurer
The Swatch Group Ltd., Biel/Bienne
Tel +41 32 343 68 11, fax +41 32 343 69 16 e-mail:
Béatrice Howald, Head of Media Relations,
The Swatch Group Ltd., Biel/Bienne
+41 32 343 68 33, Fax +41 32 343 69 22