

Press release

The Swatch Group Ltd.: Closing of the existing share repurchase program of CHF 300 million by November 22,

2006 Biel/Bienne, November 23, 2006
Under the completed share repurchase program, which ran from March 24, 2006 to November 22, 2006, 704’000 bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF2.25 each, and 3’430’000 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.45 each have been repurchased by Swatch Group.
The shares were repurchased after deduction of the Swiss federal withholding tax.
The intended use of the shares repurchased, will be determined at a later date. Herewith, and without time limitation, Swatch Group retains the full range of possibilities for the use of the repurchased shares (e.g. capital reduction, acquisitions, equity-linked transactions, employee participation or resale).

Edgar Geiser, CFO, et Thomas Dürr, Corporate Treasurer
The Swatch Group AG, Biel-Bienne
Tél. +41 32 343 68 11, fax +41 32 343 69 16
e-mail :

Béatrice Howald, Head of PR/Press, Swatch Group
+41 32 343 68 33, Fax +41 32 343 69 22


