
Press release

Swatch Group: Another record year

Key figures 2006

• Net income up 33.7% to CHF 830 million (previous year CHF 621 million).
• Above-average increase in operating profit to CHF 973 million (previous year CHF 735 million) and in operating margin to 20.2% (previous year 17.1%).
• With increase of +12.3%, gross sales above CHF 5 billion for the first time.
• Highest sales growth (+13.8%) in core segment Watches & Jewelry.
• Excellent performance figures in all Group segments. • Dividend increase of 40%, per bearer share CHF 3.50 (previous year CHF 2.50), per registered share CHF 0.70 (previous year CHF 0.50).
• New share buyback program for a total value of CHF 400 million.
• Excellent start to 2007 with outstanding prospects for the current year.

Following the publication of our sales figures on 22 January 2007, we now present the key financial data for the Group…

Edgar Geiser, CFO, et Thomas Dürr, Corporate Treasurer
The Swatch Group AG, Biel-Bienne
Tél. +41 32 343 68 11, fax +41 32 343 69 16
e-mail :

Béatrice Howald, Head of PR/Press, Swatch Group
+41 32 343 68 33, Fax +41 32 343 69 22


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