Press release
Swatch Group: Key Figures 2008
Biel / Bienne, March 12, 2009
Following the publication of sales figures on January 29, 2009, we now present the Group key figures. This advance information will be followed by the distribution and discussion of the detailed annual report at the press conference scheduled for 18 March 2009.
- Gross sales of CHF 5 966 million topped prior year’s record, despite a record negative currency impact of CHF 233 million
- Operating profit reaches CHF 1 202 million or 21.2% on net sales (versus 21.9% in 2007), only marginally lower than in 2007
- Net income amounts to CHF 838 million (CHF 1 015 million in 2007), despite further currency losses and a negative financial result
- Substantial equity of CHF 5.5 billion or 75.3% of total balance sheet (versus 71.5% in the prior year)
- Unchanged dividend 2008 proposed: per registered share CHF 0.85, per bearer share CHF 4.25
- Cautious but not pessimistic outlook for the first months 2009, an improvement anticipated in the second half of 2009
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Swatch Group Media:
Béatrice Howald
Head of Media Relations
The Swatch Group Ltd, Biel/Bienne
Tel. +41 32 343 68 33
fax +41 32 343 69 22
Group Investors:
Edgar Geiser, CFO Thomas Du"rr, Corporate Treasurer
Tel. +41 32 343 68 11
fax +41 32 343 69 16