
Press release

Swatch Group Ltd.: Swatch Ltd. and Swatch Group Distribution Ltd. are transferring Swatch’s logistics to Ticino

Biel/Bienne, January 15, 2004 - Swatch Ltd., based in Biel/Bienne, has decided to consolidate its logistics operations in Taverne / TI. The move will be done in two phases by the end of the year and will create additional jobs at this new site. This measure will affect some 95 employees of Swatch Ltd. and Swatch Group Distribution Ltd. working at existing sites in Biel/Bienne.
These employees will be offered positions within the subsidiaries of Swatch Group Ltd. wherever possible. For cases of hardship, a social compensation plan to be negotiated with the company’s social partners and professional placement support are available, and the possibility of advanced retirement is offered.
As a result of these measures, Swatch will be able to shorten transportation routes substantially in order to serve its markets more rapidly and accommodate ecological concerns.
The distribution center in Taverne / TI should be operational as of June 2004.


Béatrice Howald, PR & Press Office
The Swatch Group SA, Biel-Bienne
Tél. : +42 32 343 68 33, Fax +41 32 343 69 22
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